Monday, 29 June 2009

In True British Style...

I've had a truly awesome weekend. As per usual, none of it took part in Portsmouth, but for a change the weather was hot!

Friday I bombed it up to Bristol to visit my boyfriend, who had dinner waiting for me. I've not had tastier mash that the one I had that evening :D

Saturday we got up, had bacon sandwiches, said hello to snaky and headed off into the town. First stop, The Bristol Museum, to see the mighty works of Banksy. For those of you who haven't heard of Banksy, he does lots of graffiti-art...

Unfortunately there was a bit of a queue, about 45 mins, but the weather was good, and we managed to grab dragonfruit juice from people random giving out bottles of it in the street. The exhibition was worth it, so it didn't bother us.

Bristol is quite a pretty city, and isn't bad just to wander around for a while :) We bought random picnic foods from tesco and sat in a park for lunch, then headed home.

A few errands later and off to Guildford we went... where much mars bar and snickers cake suddenly got produced so we had plenty of sugary snacks for...

Biggin Hill Airshow :D

Again, much queuing occured to get in and out of the site, but the air show was worth the wait! There was an awesome fly over with both a 747 and the red arrows, and also an appearance from the Red Bull Matadors, which are always good for entertainment :D
There were lots of displays on the ground as well, from people such as the police, air force, air ambulance etc etc...

Although some of the displays did concern me somewhat...

Explosive search dogs????? How do they make them explosive???

Genetic modification to the max :P

Monday, 15 June 2009

Beach Trip

Tis the time of year, when the duties stopped again,
We pile in a bus and head straight down to the beach...


Well we nearly all piled into a minibus. The glorious 12 seater we had broke down :( So we were stuck with tiny mini bus and luckily someone else had a car to drive the stragglers down :D

So, from Guildford, we headed down (not necessarly straight down :P) to West Wittering beach. The sun was shining, and the water was warm....eventually :P Spent much of the day in the water or lying on the sand soaking in tooooo much sun :( Cripsy Di.

After the tide hid all the sand from us we decided to head to a camp site and pitch a marquee, for us all to sleep in, then have a BBQ for dinner :D See we ain't half organised :D The sun went down and the rain came, so there was a swift retreat to the marquee for tea and biscuits before the torches and sleeping bags came out.

Once everyone had woken up (not necessarily in the place they fell asleep) breakfast :D
Breakfast was fabulous, baps chocka block full of sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms and cheese :D See we know how to eat at LINKS.

Back to beach, when the cripsyness continued. The 8ft bin bag came out and terrified most people on the beach, but definately got people to notice us :D The kids certainly loved it. Not good to jump on though :P Once that epically failed, we just chilled (HA) with ice cream and a kite until time to head back to Guildford and straight to the pub :D


And when all else fails theres always spooning, forking, and cheese weaponary....

I'll be good from now on...Honest

Need to start blogging again.

Been a bit busy recently....

So I'll start again from here :D But first...the excuses...

1) Since the beginning of March I've been chair of Surrey LINKS. Work. Mucho. Nothing more to be said, but it's been great :D

2) Since the end of March I have been trialling a new uniform for St John Ambulance. There is no rest when you're a trialler. None at all... I've been everywhere, done everything, and to be honest, touched in ways I will probably be touched before... Including having my zip undone at the Southend Festival of the Air. I know I'm from Essex but this kinda thing doesn't happen very frequently.
I've been to lots of duties, to name a few, London Marathon, Fratton Park Football Games, Wheels, FA Referee Trials in Portsmouth, Festival of Steam in Portsmouth, Southend Festival of the Air, University of Surrey Students' Union End of Year Show.

3) I'm having driving lessons...BRROOOOMMM. My driving instructor still hasn't got past the clutch on to the side stage yet... this worries me...

4) Been to Bristol too :D

5) I discovered the brilliance of Mars Bar Cake.

So from now on, I pledge to be a good blogger... and you shall hear all :D