Monday 14 July 2008

Camping in the Arse End of Nowhere

This may be a rather long post, as I have lots of time to kill whilst my iPod updates itself.
By camping in the Arse End of Nowhere I originally meant somewhere near Dorking, however, the night before I was meant to leave I realised that there was a mistake on the bottom of my map and kit list that a friend had sent me.
"Produced by SoandSo 2007"
Hold up...its not 2007...
So I thought I would check.
Bloody good thing I did as well, as the arse end of nowhere was actually somewhere on the border of South Surrey and West Sussex. Nice place.
I packed my 85L pack and jumped on the train down to Crawley where I was picked up by SoandSo. Luckily it was a sunny day, so once I was there we got everything set up pretty quickly! HOORRAAY!
However, for some reason I was written down on the staff attendance list as "laura."
This didn't bother me, as there were 2 other Diana's on the camp too, and it would have just been confusing if there were 3 :P Just add it to the list!
Once the 50 cadets and 40 badgers (younger cadets) had arrived, it was time for them to do some activities, rock climbing and abseiling then head back for some snacks before bed. Matthew and I were put in charge of making milkshake for some of the cadets. But for some reason, probably us being a combination of tired, confused, stressed and stupid, we made 5 pints of starwberry milkshake. Now when only 5 cadets wanted a serving (1/3 of a pint) we had rather a lot left. Instead of breaking this news to the person in charge, I decided to just drink a lot of milkshake. After a pint and a half however, I decided to stop...I have my limits :P
I slept well that night, despite being cold, with the satisfaction that I won't be suffering with a calcium deficiency any time soon :P
The next day for the cadets was a fun-packed adventure ride with activities including kyaking, archery, zip wires and climbing through tunnels.
The next day for Matthew and myself (who were in charge of 9 cadets) consisded of taking the cadets to the activities, then taking them back. Pretty good day really. Apart from the moaning, fighting and general childish behaviour. Had pretty good food, as we had proper ovens to cook on rather than doing it the hardcore camp style!
The trouble with Surrey camp, and also the beauty, is that they have traditions. Unfortunately, one of these traditions includes new staff eating sandwiches made with parts of all the meals from the weekend so far.
So I ate a Marmite, Coco Pop, coffee, chilli beef, potato, mustard, Goldern Syrup, etc etc sandwich. To be honest, all I could taste really was the Marmite...
Getting home was also a mission, I wanted to get from Victoria to Tower Hill, however, they shut the District line, the Circle line, some of the Jubilee line and the DLR. Great. So with all my stuff, there I was treking across London, getting hopelessly lost trying to find my way from Bank to Fenchurch Street.
Eventually I got home where a mahoosive chinese takeaway was waiting for me :D
I think my iPod has settled itself down now...gaming time :D:D

1 comment:

Raquelita said...

Camping with 40 poor thing :)