Thursday 3 July 2008

Posh-like evening with the tax people

(Tis a long one...sorry!)
My boyfriend is working for Tax people next year as part of his Mathematics and Statistics course, and as an introduction the new students planned an evening of London social fun.
Well, we thought it would be a clever plan to go up during the day, take a stroll around ol' London the fabulously sophisticated Essex people that we are :D
Well, the day started well.

1) The bus was late
15 minutes late
So I started to leg it to the nearest station
Then the bus came...
So I ran back to the bus stop!
Luckily there were lots of old people at the bus stop who took forever to get on the bus...HORRAAY

2) Then...because the bus driver was traveling through the Essex countryside with door open (H&S??)* lots of bugs flew into the bus... including a big fat hairy black and yellow bee that look a fancy to my left knee...
And stung me...
Being a first aider, I rang my mum to double check that I had been stung before and wasn't allergic.
Of course I haven't been stung before, so started to panic, and rung James to go and fetch some pyriton... just in case ;p

3) Of course James (bless 'im) went all the way across Chelmsford to fetch some for me, and when he returned to the station he found they sell it in the well known station stationers. Well at least he was entertained while he waited for me!

4) We finally get to London and it rains... nothing more to be said here, tis just Britain for ya!

5) I then check my pocket for my ticket to get on the underground, but wait! It has vanished!
Luckily I retraced my steps and found it just before it disappeared into a drain... Was a very dramatic moment, almost got run over by a taxi too...

6) We decided to visit James' place of work, which was right in the centre of town, so we decided to stop and have a packet of crisps in a nearby park. All was finally good, nice park, no rain, quiet apart from the 2 tramps, *sigh* until the protesters went past...
The truck drivers who are protesting about the price of oil drove past in a long line along the embankment sounding their horns...the peace and tranquility was no more :(

7) Saw Gordon Ramsey in Covent Garden, along with some very nice ties, bracelets made from forks and funky clocks!

8) The actual dinner was fabulous James' colleagues were nice, great pre-drinks session, gorgeous restaurant... although more posh than i'm used too... and the journey home was fine! A great end to the day! Despite everything, and best of all, I got to spend time with James, which definately made it worth it :)

*Health and Safety - I just had a vision of the old couple in wheelchairs in front of me disappearing off the bus as we went round Sadler's Farm roundabout, and the pram once we got to Chelmsford. Although this may have been advantageous, as once we got to Chelmsford, they held up the bus another 5 minutes getting off (Grrrrg). Could potentially have a nice picnic along the fields next to the A130. *Snigger*

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