Sunday 20 July 2008

I Feel Old

Okay two things have happened in the past couple of days that have made me feel old :(
1) At Cadets last Wednesday we took the cadets outside to play rounders on a nearby field. Some of the girls took their shoes off, and I asked them to put their shoes on so they didn't hurt themselves. I thought it was a reasonable request, as I did not want them to be hurt, nor did I want to explain to their parents why they were hurt! Apparently the cadets were talking amongst themselves later and they decided they don't like me because of this :(
I'm an old fogey...
2) I did a first aid duty today at a local farms fundraiser event for a nursery. The DJ made some of the Dads in the audience dress up as the Spice Girls, but the joke was totally lost on the kids as most of them didn't have a clue who the Spice Girls were :(

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